Saturday, June 21, 2014


Back in April, when Anna & Jim were visiting, we spent a long weekend in Xi’an to see the Terra Cotta Warriors.  I am so glad we were able to fit this trip in as we not only learned a lot, but we truly astounded by all of the clay warriors and horses!  For those that do not know much about this, as we did not before going, these sculptures date back to around 209 B.C. when China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di, had the soldiers built to accompany him during his eternal rest.  They were discovered 40 years ago and remains are still being recovered.  Along with the soldiers, there are horses, chariots and weapons.  The amazing thing is that each soldier is clearly unique.  Their facial expressions are all different and they are positioned in according to rank.  This was definitely a site to see and I am glad we didn’t miss it!

This street was crazy!  Lots of food stands, interesting (aka disgusting) smells, stores and people!  This was definitely not the best place for someone with a heightened sense of smell/sensitive belly finishing up their first trimester!  Oh well, I survived! 

This is what we get for following the guys ... we were stuck.  Of course we could have turned around, but what fun is that?!  Instead, we climbed through trees/plants to make our way out!