Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Australia Day 2 - Wildlife Habitat

Today we decided to wake up and enjoy the resort - and then mom had a work call at 11:30 (boo, I know, but that's life).  Luckily it finished by 12:30 so we had time to go to the Port Douglas Wildlife Habitat to eat lunch with the Lorikeets!  Ava hardly ate of course as she was mesmorized by all of the birds and just said "bird" or "duck" the entire time pointing around the room!  :)

 Then, right after lunch, there was a Koala presentation and we were able to hold a Koala!  It was so cool!  After that, we bought some food to feed the Kangaroos!  This one was very interested in us - or maybe just Ava.  It saw us as we started to walk up and it just stopped and waited, staring at us - and we walk slow, so it waited for a while!  Then, when we finally approached, it slowly crept up to Ava.  She was very brave and let it get quite close to her before she let out a scream!  I quickly picked her up and walked away and then she was fine!  She had no desire to feed the kangaroos, but we did and it was pretty cool!

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