Monday, July 1, 2013

Never say "Never"!

While we can walk to many places (grocery store, fruit and veggie market, bakery, restaurants, etc) from our apartment, Wuxi is a large city - from an American perspective - and we cannot walk every where.  Until we hire a driver, our options are to walk, take a taxi or ride with a friend that has a driver.  Here are Ryan & Ava on Day 2 as we take our first taxi ride to meet some coworkers downtown for dinner. 

Car seats are not required in China ... it is actually not uncommon to see young kids riding on a moped with their parents.  They just hang on to their mom or dad like a little monkey!  It's crazy - especially when you see how people drive around here. 

For those of you back at home judging us, I understand.  I came back from my pre-visit and said "Ava WILL be in a car seat - no exceptions!"  And here we are having her on our lap on Day 2! Hopefully Ava won't be without a car seat often, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do - and hope for the best!

At least she's not on the moped with us ... we should at least wait until week 2 for that, right?!


  1. That is a great post! I think you guys should get a moped.

    1. Ryan thought about buying one, but after a few days here, he changed his mind! A friend did offer to have us ride on their 3-wheel with them! They have a little wagon attached to the back where they put their stroller and 2 kids - 2 years old and 4 months (along with a parent)! Maybe we will take them up on their offer one day (but we are not ready for that yet)!
