Sunday, October 13, 2013

We've got crabs!

We had been told that this region of China - Shanghai and Suzhou - is known for it's Hairy Crab around October!  When we saw it for sale at the store where we recently started buying most of our meat (it's located in Shanghai, but they deliver to Wuxi twice/week!), we thought it would be a fun experience to cook some up!  So, we purchased enough for us and the other Parker expats that live in Wuxi! 

As we started doing some research on how to cook them, we realized that the cooking part was fairly easy - the eating part was going to be tricky though!  Therefore, we luckily enlisted one of Bethany's coworkers, Henry, to come over and give us a lesson!  It was definitely an interesting experience and we were so glad Henry was available to be our teacher!  Otherwise, the crabs would have been steamed and we would have been sitting there dumbfounded trying to figure out how to find any meat!

Anyway, they were delicious and we definitely recommend them to anyone that finds themselves in the Wuxi/Shanghai area this fall!  Don't be surprised when you aren't offered butter though; instead, dip the crab meat in vinegar and ginger! It's excellent!

A female and male crab waiting to be cleaned and then steamed!

Almost ready to eat!

Our cooked Hairy Crabs!

Yum!  Notice the hair on the claw? Hence the name ;)

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