Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We sure are going to miss dumplings when we leave China!!!  They are so delicious; my mouth is actually watering as I write this post!  When I came to China last May for my pre-visit, another Parker expat living in Shanghai took me to their favorite dumpling restaurant.  They taught me how to eat dumplings properly so I don’t burn my mouth and I fell in love! 
As it turns out, that same restaurant opened up in Wuxi this year!  We discovered it after the Christmas holiday and it quickly became our favorite Chinese restaurant (even though technically it’s Taiwanese).  I guess it wasn’t hard to do because there is only one other Chinese restaurant that we actually go to (unless there is a work dinner).   Instead, if we are going out, we prefer a Western restaurant or Thai, Indian, Korean, Brazilian, Italian, Mexican - basically anything other than Chinese.  Granted, I do eat Chinese every day for lunch at work, so it isn’t that I don’t necessarily like the food, we just miss the comforts of home!  However, now that we are about to leave and all of my coworkers suddenly want to take us for a farewell dinner, I am requesting dumplings!  I need to get my fill! 

The Restaurant - located on the top floor Center 66

These are the best - they are filled with pork and crab!  Yum!

A different style of dumplings - these are vegetarian

Ava loves them too!  I think she eats as many as me!

Monday, May 26, 2014

One thing we will definitely miss ...

While there are some interesting aspects of China that we will probably never understand, they sure do know how to create an indoor playground!  This is one of our favorite weekend activities, especially on a rainy, polluted or super hot/humid day, and will be near the top of our list of things we miss about China once we return home!  Ava even recognizes the mall it is in and gets all excited to play when we arrive! 

It is fairly clean (granted, it's still rather new) and kids are required to wear diapers - although keep a look out because every once in a while you will see a little butt run by so you'll have to say something to one of the workers! 

The first few months, we primarily stuck to this section of the play area.  It is perfect for those just starting to walk until about 18-20 months.

This is a great area too if you want to pretend you are at the beach for a little while!  If only we could hear the waves the crashing!

This is the "big kid" section and I honestly don't know who loves it more - Ava, Ryan or me!  We all have so much fun in this area and there is so much to do!

Ryan and Ava having too much fun!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ava's Birthday!

Ava had a wonderful 2nd birthday celebrating with a few old friends, some new friends (my coworker's children) and of course Bruce and Jason.  Unfortunately Norm was sick so he could not make it :( 
Ava's homemade birthday cake!
  Of course I learned how to sing "Happy Birthday to You" in Chinese 5 days after Ava's birthday! :( Oh well, I am prepared for Ryan's birthday!
Playing at the playground - she LOVES to spin!

Learning a new sport!

My coworkers were so sweet to buy Ava birthday presents - especially since Ryan & I only had one small gift for her (which was plenty for a 2 year old)!  She got a teddy bear (named Bruce), some traditional Chinese outfits (one of which she is wearing in the pictures above) and this awesome Dragon necklace which represents the year she was born! 

We were also surprised with a package in the mail from her Uncle Shawn, Aunt Tiffany, cousins Jordan and Landen!  She was so excited to get mail and really enjoyed opening the box to see what was inside!  She'll by styling at the beach this summer in her adorable new swim suit!
She loves her new dragon necklace (represents the year she was born)!

Playing with her birthday present - sidewalk chalk!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Saying Good-bye

Saying good-bye is never fun, especially when it is to someone who has recently come into your life and been like family since Day 1.  Bruce has been like a grandpa to Ava and she is going to miss him dearly.  She asks about him daily and gets such a big smile whenever we see him! 

Best of luck, Bruce, as you move on to your new location in China!  Once you decide to settle back down in the UK, we will be visiting you and your family!   

They look innocent enough, right?!  Get these 3 together and there is definitely trouble!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's all about Ava!

It is hard to believe that Ava is 2 years old already!  She is growing into such a sweet, smart little girl – Ryan & I truly feel blessed to be her parents (most of the time)! J 
She will not have her 2 year appointment until we are back in the States, so we don’t have too many stats to share.  She did jump on the scale while I was at my last Dr’s appointment though; therefore we know that she weighs about 27 lbs!  And she has 16 teeth – all that are left to come in are her 3 year molars. 
She has hardly stopped talking since she turned 18 months and is starting to put 3 word “sentences” together.  She also loves to sing.  You will often hear her singing, “Wheels on the Bus”, “Ba Ba Black Sheep”, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, “Old MacDonald”, “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” or “Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes”!  It’s quite adorable!
She has known her animals, most body parts and colors for a while now.  She recently learned basic shapes (square, circle, triangle, heart and star) and can count to 10 – when SHE wants to do so.  She recognizes most numbers: 1-9 and is working on letter recognition too.  The other day while we were out, she surprised us being saying “P!”  Sure enough there was a Parking sign with a big “P” on it!  We have learned not to underestimate how much she can learn and she really does surprise us with something new almost every day!
She is a pretty good eater and loves cheese (would eat it morning, noon and night), spaghetti – although prefers pasta with pesto sauce rather than tomato sauce, pizza, sausage, ham, shrimp, salmon, corn, green beans and broccoli!  Plus, almost every kind of fruit out there – especially berries, bananas, apples and oranges!  We introduced her to pure carrot and apple juice while in Hong Kong and she loved it!  It will be nice when we have our juicer back in Michigan! 
She loves to help out – cooking, cleaning and doing laundry.  However, picking up toys is not always her favorite, but after a time-out or two, she tends to listen better!
Most recently she has stopped using her pacifier (or “wa woo” as she calls it).  We were going to wait until we got back to the States and she was adjusted to the time before figuring out how to get rid of it, but on our way to Japan, she accidently dropped it out of the car window.  She got such a sad look on her face and of course Ryan and I were worried about sleep the next couple of nights!  She did great though!  She still asks for it once before nap and bedtime, but we remind her that she dropped it out of the window.  When she says “other wa woo dada” (she knows we have more than one), we tell her that she’s a big girl and doesn’t need it anymore!  Thankfully she has accepted this answer and goes to sleep on her own without one!  Now we’ll see how she does when her baby brother or sister arrives and has their own "wa woo"! 
Now that we have made Ava sound like a little angel – here’s the other side of our sweet baby girl!  While she is the apple of our eye, she is NOT an angel by any means.  We are definitely getting into those terrible twos and boy is that fun!  She will scream when she doesn't get her way and just plop down where ever we are (sidewalk, store, etc).  Usually we let her do this and tell her to get up when she's ready to act like a big girl, but man is that embarrassing some times!  I am sure it will get worse when we get back home because, honestly, the Chinese allow their kids to do a lot more than we would at home – or perhaps we get a “free pass” because we are Americans and everyone is so in love with Ava here!  For instance,
1.    She is free to run around restaurants – in fact, the waitresses will pick her up and take her behind the bar!
2.    Nobody seems to mind if she goes on stage while people are singing – they will even let her sing in the microphone!
3.    Restaurants don’t seem to care that she throws her food on the floor or drops her silverware every 5 minutes!  We don’t even have to leave a tip to apologize and they still welcome us back with open arms the next time we show up!
We will gladly take any advice another parent has (as long as it has been successful)!  Otherwise, we will continue on as is and hope for the best!
We have a few small gatherings planned for the next couple of days, so I will post more pictures from her birthday on Sunday!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Our Wuxi Family

We are really going to miss our fellow Parker Expats also "living" in Wuxi when we return home!  They have made living in China so much easier!  We enjoy dinner with whomever is in town at least once per week and do some local traveling with them as well!  It is definitely nice to be able to have an English conversation with someone and share some of the crazy stories - plus they give Ryan a little outlet away from me and Ava! :)

Since most of them "come and go" - for instance, 4 weeks in China, 3 weeks in the US - this was one of the rare moments when we were all in Wuxi at the same time!  Ava was quite excited as she is usually asking for whomever is not here (of course)!  She goes through her list ... "Bruce?", "Norm?", "Jason?"!  Now Alex has been added to the list because he was here for 2 weeks.  She'll have to wait until we are back in the US to see him again though!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Life in China ...

Even though we mainly post fun stories about living in China and traveling around Asia, it is important to note that life in China is not always easy! 

1.  Sure, it's kind of fun to go to the underground shopping in Shanghai and see how low you can get the prices for fake items such as purses, wallets, jerseys, etc.  However, did you ever think you would have to worry about buying counterfeit meat, eggs, milk, soy sauce, formula, etc, etc, etc????  It's actually pretty scary!

2.  Be careful where you eat too because as much as the government likes to control things here, there doesn't appear to be much regulation with regards to food / restaurants (if you didn't gather that from the above issues).  Therefore, restaurants do not close if they fail an inspection - I guess I should just be happy that there is an inspection process, although I don't see these signs in all restaurants so I am not sure they are required in all cities / restaurants.  Anyway, for those that did have an inspection, they will either get excellent, pass or fail.  If they fail, it is not necessary to close your restaurant - just post the sign so customers know the results!  The Pizza Hut in Wuxi got a "Pass" - wonder what the different levels actually mean?!

3.  The pollution is not always easy to deal with either - and we miss seeing stars at night.

4.  Sometimes what you think is the simplest of tasks (going to the bank to pay a bill) turns into a huge headache!  You may end up going back and forth several times - wasting much time - trying to figure things out.  It can be pretty frustrating, especially when you have a 2 year old "celebrity" with you and everyone surrounds you to touch and try to pick up your daughter!  Thankfully my coworker Rose has been a blessing and has helped us with so much to minimize these headaches!  They are inevitable though ... sometimes we just don't bother with things because it is not worth it!

5.  Getting around with Ava is not always easy.  Sometimes I wish we could hide her with a blanket so people will leave her alone.  Every once in a while we get so fed up that we tell people it's "wu kuai" (5 rmb = about 80 cents) when they take her picture!  It's actually quite funny to see their reaction to this!  Ava has become accustomed to saying "No!" to people when they look at her, which is kind of sad, but I think she gets sick of it too!

6.  At times it can be difficult to get to things we would like to see online.  Luckily we have a VPN so we can get to Facebook, U-Tube, Netflix, our blog, etc, but it doesn't always work ... and the Internet (which is supposedly the fastest we can get) can be sooooo slow!  I hate to complain about this though because it really isn't a necessity.  It just makes life being 1/2 way around the world from all of our friends and family so much more bearable when we can see what is happening in their lives!

Anyway, a Parker colleague of ours also living in China forwarded this article to us.  We thought it was interesting!

Overall, we are having a wonderful experience and are so glad we took this opportunity!  We just wanted to let you know that it isn't always easy ... even if our blog may make it seem that way!