While there are some interesting aspects of China that we will probably never understand, they sure do know how to create an indoor playground! This is one of our favorite weekend activities, especially on a rainy, polluted or super hot/humid day, and will be near the top of our list of things we miss about China once we return home! Ava even recognizes the mall it is in and gets all excited to play when we arrive!
It is fairly clean (granted, it's still rather new) and kids are required to wear diapers - although keep a look out because every once in a while you will see a little butt run by so you'll have to say something to one of the workers!
The first few months, we primarily stuck to this section of the play area. It is perfect for those just starting to walk until about 18-20 months.
This is a great area too if you want to pretend you are at the beach for a little while! If only we could hear the waves the crashing!
This is the "big kid" section and I honestly don't know who loves it more - Ava, Ryan or me! We all have so much fun in this area and there is so much to do!
Ryan and Ava having too much fun!
Maybe you guys could open one and make millions! :)